Finance Your Solar Installation and Be Free From Energy Bills

No one can deny that solar installation is the ideal solution to the current problem of fast disappearing fossil fuels and global warming. There are competent solar installers such as Argent Solar that offer excellent solutions in the form of a solar unit for your home or commercial establishment.

Solar installers such as Argent Solar, headquartered in Goodyear Arizona, provide solar installations based on photo voltaic cells or heat engines. These photo voltaic cells or solar cells are semiconductor devices. When sunlight falls on these cells, it is converted into direct current. A bank of these cells arranged in the form of an array thereafter can be used to charge batteries, the output from which is converted into AC. This current can be used for domestic or commercial purposes.

Argent Solar, a prime solar installer, also offers solar financing in Goodyear. Under this, you get a 20-year lease option that is in addition to the standard purchase option. In the lease option, you can lease a solar energy system for a house for 20 years. Argent Solar offers advance payment and monthly payment programs. There is also a zero down payment option available for clients.

The solar installation company designs, permits and installs the system at your convenience. There is a manufacturer’s warranty for the panel for 25 years and at the end of twenty years, you have the option of having the panel removed at no charge. The last option is that the lease can be extended based on the remaining value of the system. The renowned company also offers solar installation in many areas of California including places like Indio, Morongo Valley, Palm Springs etc.


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